
Season 6: TIP Technologies and NeoSystems Partner - Reselling

Episode Summary

We are excited to welcome back Ron Dolan, President of TIP Technologies and Matt Fogo, SVP Sales and Marketing at NeoSystems. In this episode we cover the unique benefits of being a reseller of the TIP Technologies software for NeoSystems. As well we cover off on how partnerships such as these are necessary to scale your sales organizations.

Episode Transcription

Erin Keating:

Welcome back everybody. Today, we are here on NeoCast. We're excited to continue our series in speaking with TIP Technologies. Today we have, back joining us, Matt Fogo with NeoSystems and we have Ron Dolan with TIP Technologies. Gentlemen, welcome back.


Ron Dolan:

Good to see you.


Matt Fogo:

Hi Erin. Thanks.


Erin Keating:

Yeah, absolutely. So we are continuing to explore our relationship with TIP Technologies and NeoSystems. This was a partnership that we were super excited about. We talked a lot about all of the benefits that we potentially will see as a result of this partnership. But we wanted to focus on the fact that NeoSystems will now be in a position to be reselling the TIP Technology software and suite of services. And we wanted to talk about what's really exciting both of you on that. So, Matt, let's just turn to you first and talk about what are some of the unique benefits of this partnership when it comes to reselling the TIP Technology software?


Matt Fogo:

Yeah, that's great, Erin, thanks for the question. It's a good question. We're just tremendously excited about the partnership with TIP Technologies and there's a lot of benefits for us as a systems' integrator. But just to set a little context in understanding my answer a bit better, as a systems' integrator, one that serves the project oriented business, particularly ones that contract with the federal government, we are, as an integrator, incredibly selective and very purposeful of the organizations that we partner with, particularly those where we represent their product or service in the market. We are very selective and purposeful because we take very much of best in class approach to the markets in making sure that the solutions and services that we represent in our portfolio are just that, that they're best in class.


Matt Fogo:

So we knew early on from working with Ron and his team that TIP Technologies is that software that's of high quality; because it's a quality assurance software, whether that be quality management or shop floor execution, incredibly well-branded, incredibly well known and great customer service. So in context, we take a best in class approach to the market. So to answer your question, we're really excited because obviously this adds a new tool set in our portfolio that we can go out and take to market and have something, again, best in class to sell into our target markets. It's a great solution in terms of the other portfolio solutions we have because there's integration to those other portfolio products. From a hosting and cloud perspective, it's an easy fit from a security perspective into the NeoCloud, for instance, et cetera.


Matt Fogo:

So the partnership just made sense. Again, well recognized in the market as a product to go to for those functional areas. And so the partnership's often running, Ron and team, are great to work with and partner with. There's been a total amount of engagement already shoring up pipelines and identifying target clients, et cetera. And we just look creatively to add value. The collective value between TIP Technologies and NeoSystems I think is unique. And so those are the reasons why we're excited and why we partnered.


Erin Keating:

That's great. So Ron, not only would I pose the same question to you about the unique benefits here, but Matt mentioned NeoSystems cloud. We've touched on that a little bit in the first episode, but I'm just curious about how that top shelf secure environment really does add a lot of value to your potential clients.


Ron Dolan:

Well, I think the answer really comes down to three things. One is that the NeoCloud has already proved itself. It's been in the industry for a period of time. There's lots of organizations that are working with government contracting, project-based events. And through that, and having that experience, at the end of the day for us, the partnership was around creating a partnership of execution with somebody that's been proven. And so NeoCloud clearly excels in that area. In addition to that, we wanted to make sure that we selected a partner to help not only them to be profitable and to grow, but also for the same for us. And when that happens for the two of us as partners, that provides that same opportunity for our mutual customers to grow.


Ron Dolan:

And then the piece that wraps around all of that, as Matt said, is around the security. So when we look at why do we partner with an organization and what the prime benefit needs to be, it has to be around the security. To be able to provide DNS 2.0, the CMMC levels, the other elements that are required that our customers take for granted that are already a part of the solution. So we see that as being very important. And when you look at, and if you were to rank NeoSystems and the cloud that they provide against others, their government contracting experience is amplified because there are many other cloud opportunities, but none of them reached the level that the NeoCloud has.


Erin Keating:

Absolutely. We touched on it in the first episode and Ron, you were just leaning in towards this, but how does this actually, this partnership really help both of you expand the scope of your businesses and scale the organizations?


Ron Dolan:

Well, I think that there's a couple of legs of the stool, as I call it, that you have to look at. One is the infrastructure cost. It basically is avoided by being able to go into the cloud. There's a much faster deployment because the learning curve is much lower. And then I think that there's also the advancement that organizations can take because they feel secure in the platform, so they don't have to worry about making sure that IT infrastructure is right, making sure that all the people that are accessing systems and so forth are allowed to do so because of all the IoT requirements, et cetera, that go along with that.


Ron Dolan:

So what I look at for our customers that we're bringing to the table, our mutual customers as well, is that they go into the conversation already confident that we provide the solution that meets their requirements. And then underlying base gives them a significant competitive advantage. So I think that the relationship that our two organizations have put together in this partnership put us head and shoulders over the competition.


Matt Fogo:

And I'll just add too that if I can, particularly in terms of how this helps scale our organizations, but I'll go back to my first comment that this partnership just adds so much credibility in our expanding portfolio because of the benefit of TIP Technologies in the market in terms of their client success, client satisfaction and client focus. Obviously the product from a functional technical perspective speaks for itself. But the feedback before we signed, inked the partnership was all about how TIP Technologies delivers value to their client base.


Matt Fogo:

And so this, again, just further codifies our best in class approach to the market. But in terms of expanding how this helps expand our capability to market, obviously there's an extended sales force on both sides now. So I no longer have just a direct sales staff, I have an indirect sales staff, thanks to Ron's direct staff and vice versa. So there's nice scale there. And then from an operational component perspective, there's a luxury of now having the talents of Ron's marketing department, the leadership thesis, and again, the client list and client base, particularly because they're very content and well-served client base. So all that goes hand in hand operationally just to expand how we think about scaling our operations and it's working really well.


Erin Keating:

Spoken like a true head of sales and marketing, Matt, because marketing is my background and you're right. The more in state of the union right now with how much you need to be out in the market and how wide and deep you need to go to find your mutual clients, essentially doubling your operations there from that perspective right away must really be a true benefit of the partnership. Do either of you have an example of a recent deal or something that you're working on that you could speak to that has almost already proven out that this partnership was worthy of jumping into this quickly?


Ron Dolan:

Since the time that we executed this agreement, we actually have three customers going live. And that's three new customers. In addition to that, we have six additional that are currently in the pipeline. I know that Matt appreciates that, we appreciate that. And the reality of it is that the reason why they're moving rather quickly through this process is because of the credibility of the NeoCloud and the credibility of our application, right? So that synergy that's been created in working with these organizations, and they're of all sizes. One of them is a total concurrent license of our product is only 10 people. There's another one that we're dealing with that's in hundreds, and Matt knows we're dealing with a very large one that's in the thousands. So the scalability across this platform is conducive to our clients moving into that environment and relying on the long-term stability of the NeoCloud.


Erin Keating:

That's great.


Matt Fogo:

Erin, I mean, obviously there's a great suspect identification process between our two teams in play right now on both sides identifying cloud opportunities, but identifying targets for the TIP Technology's functionality. And so I think even by the next time we speak, in addition to the ones that are under our belt and the ones that are in the forecast, I think we're just going to see a very healthy increase in pipeline only again because two's better than the power of two, and this is just a great natural partnership. Again, from a best in class perspective, but also from a security needs perspective. Instead the brain is getting out there and the pipeline is growing.


Ron Dolan:

Well, and Matt as you indicated that the pipeline is very robust and the activities that are underway to bring people to the platform is exponentially growing. And to that end as you know, we are working on the process of certifying additional consultants that are in the NeoSystems house and in that process we're shadowing with our most senior consultants helping through the implementation process. There's two of them that are currently engaged and currently engaged in that process of shadow. So I would suspect then in a matter of a short period of time, we'll also have certified consultants for implementation services in house at NeoSystems, which will really more than double our ability to implement and deliver the solution.


Erin Keating:

That's great. Well, I think this wraps up our points on reselling. I can't wait to meet a few more members of the TIP Technologies team as well as the NeoSystems team in two more episodes to cover this partnership. But thank you so much Ron and Matt. Any final parting thoughts? Otherwise we'll wrap up for today.


Matt Fogo:

No comments on that.


Ron Dolan:

No, I think I'm just going to say stay safe, stay healthy, and we'll talk to you in a few weeks.


Matt Fogo:

Yeah, [inaudible 00:11:42]. Everybody stay safe. Thanks.


Erin Keating:
